Entry Information

EventCategoriesBoat ClassesPrizes
650mSenior, Masters, Junior, Adaptive/Para-Rowing, Parent & Child (Junior/J15 and under)8+Pewter tankards
350mSenior, Masters8+Hipflasks

Entry fees £13 a seat excluding coxes.

  • All entries through BROE.
  • Entries close Sunday 28 July 2024 23:59 hours.
  • Entries may close earlier if oversubscribed.
  • Payments accepted via BROE or BACS.
  • Contact: Andrew Blit, Tel: 07976 six seven two two three eight (final 6 digits are written out to reduce robocalls)

The event will be run in 3 Waves each containing specific events. Competitors may have one entry only in any one Wave and clubs must arrange for sufficient equipment for all their crews in any Wave. There is no other limit to doubling up.

Crews who are successful in semi-finals may be asked to stay on the water to race their finals.

In other words, if you are good you may race often.

The scheme is as below – please note that for Adaptive, Para-rowing or Mixed Junior entries we will catalyse negotiations between entrants to find suitable race times. Parent and Child events run in the same Divisions as the relevant adult gender.

Novice Events:‘Novice’ events are open to 1×, 2×, 4×+ and 4+ Open, Female and Mixed crews. Crews are limited to a maximum average PRI of 6 with no individual greater than 9.

The draw will take place at Great Cornard on Monday 29 July from 9:00 and be published to live.sudburyrowingclub.org.uk.

The committee will organise masters racing using the handicap system. Ranking points may be used to provide better racing for any relevant categories of entry.

Please let us have as much information as possible on BROE.

Sudbury Rowing Club is affiliated to British Rowing. The regatta is run by Sudbury Rowing Club under British Rowing Rules and Rules of Racing will apply. The regatta adheres to Row Safe, the BR guide to safe practice in rowing.

Mixed Juniors
Mx Mas
Wave matrix: entries are divided between waves 1, 2 and 3. Note that Adaptive, Para-rowing and Mixed Junior entries are not included in the scheme.

Wave 1:

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Wave 2:

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Wave 3:

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