Sun-soaked St Ives Regatta

Jeremy Milbank, Tracy Muir, Teresa Moriarty and Sean Moriarty, respectively winners of the men’s and women’s MasF doubles.

Crews from Sudbury turned out in force at St Ives Regatta, which took place on a beautiful summer’s day.

The event provided an excellent first racing experience for several junior and masters crews and was both well-run and friendlty.

Perfect weather conditions prevailed throughout the day: the St Ives club managed to arrange a Spitfire flypast to add to the spectacle.

All Sudbury crews performed admirably, and the following secured victories:

  • Lily won the Women’s Junior 15 Single Sculls (WJ15 1×).
  • Victoria and Zoe won the Women’s Masters Double Sculls (WMas 2×).
  • Brendan won the Men’s Masters B Single Sculls (MasB 1×).
  • Teresa and Tracy won the Women’s Masters F Double Sculls (WMasF 2×).
  • Sean and Jeremy won the Men’s Masters F Double Sculls (MasF 2×).

Congratulations to all crews on their performances and especially to the winning boats.

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