Club Rules

These rules detail the use of club boats and facilities, member responsibilities, procedures for regattas, maintenance, clubhouse conduct, data management, and payment for refreshments.

Ratified AGM 18 December 2005.

The Committee will endeavour to provide refreshments for purchase in the club house. Individual members are asked to use the honesty box provided to pay for these, the cost being displayed clearly in the clubhouse.

1. Use of Boats

No boat which is the property of the Club shall be used without the permission of the Captain, or in his absence, a Vice-Captain.

2. Power to reserve Boats

The Captain, or in his absence, a Vice-Captain, shall have the power to reserve any boat for the practice and training of selected crews.

3. Command of Crews

The member rowing stroke in any Club boat shall have the command of that crew, unless otherwise provided by the Captain or Coach.

4. Housing of Boats and Oars

Every crew, upon landing from a Club boat, shall assist in housing it and it’s oars in the proper place and manner unless it is claimed by a crew then waiting. All Club Boats shall be washed before they are housed.

5. Lighting-Up Time

Only one boat, which must be coxed, may be kept out after official lighting-up time only with the Captain’s permission, and provided that they obey the local navigation rules and are adequately lit both front and rear.

6. Conveyance of Boats and Oars to Regattas

The Captain or Vice-Captain, shall make all arrangements for conveyance of equipment to and from Regattas.

7. Regatta Expenses

All entrance fees for crews selected to compete at any regatta and the expenses of conveying the boats and oars of such crews to regattas and all other expenses connected therewith shall be paid by the members of the crews unless authorised by the Committee to be borne by Club funds.

8. Key to Boathouse

On the authorisation of the Committee a member shall be entitled to hold a boathouse key. Such keys remain the property of the Club. A key to the boathouse shall be kept at an appropriate contact address for use in an emergency. Members holding keys shall pay for the cost of providing the key.

9. Locking the Boathouse and Clubhouse

The last to leave the boathouse or clubhouse shall ensure that all lights and taps are turned off, all windows closed, and all outside doors securely locked.

10. Repairs to Boats

No member shall carry out maintenance work, other than emergency repairs, to boats without the authority of the Committee or boatman.

11. Boathouse and Clubhouse Repairs

Repairs, other than essential security jobs, shall not be carried out to the Boathouse or clubhouse unless authorised by the Committee. When any work is carried out on the electrical system there must always be two persons present in the Boathouse or clubhouse

12. Boathouse or Clubhouse

No person shall smoke in the Boathouse or clubhouse. Every member shall use his best endeavours to leave the Boathouse or clubhouse as tidy as possible.

13. Grounds

All members shall do all in their power to preserve the appearance of the Club at all times. The Committee will take all necessary steps to enforce measures it deems reasonable in order to maintain a presentable Club and Grounds.

14. Damage to Club Property

Any Member who causes damage to, or loss of, Club property shall inform the Captain/boatman/Premises manager and record in the damage book as soon as possible. Such damage or loss shall be made good at the expense of the member who caused it unless the Committee rules otherwise and makes other arrangements for repair or replacement. This rule may be applied at the Committee’s discretion if accidental damage can be attributed to negligent or abusive conduct rather than through acceptable ‘wear and tear’.

15. Housing of Private Boats

Member’s private boats may, subject to the approval of the Committee, be kept in the Boat House at their own risk and on payment of a fee to be decided by the Committee.

16. Personal Information held on Computers

The Club shall endeavour to follow the letter and spirit of the law with regard to personal information held by the Committee for administration purposes in computer files. Personal information may only be obtained for this express intention, and no misuse of such information by any Committee Member outside this brief shall be tolerated.

17. Duty

Each member will take responsibility for taking a turn for duty as identified by the club rota. Consistent failure to undertake duty may lead to a withdrawal of club privileges.

18. Refreshments

The Committee will endeavour to provide refreshments for purchase in the club house. Individual members are asked to use the honesty box provided to pay for these, the cost being displayed clearly in the clubhouse.