Sudbury Upper School

The link with Sudbury Upper School (SUS) is in its 3rd academic year. We now have two of the students who have now joined and become full members of Sudbury Rowing Club still attending the extra curricular sessions. We have just finished the winter season indoors on Wednesday afternoons at the Upper School, training and learning the technique on the 4 rowing machines, which we managed to buy though an Awards for All grant towards this project. The indoor sessions are called ‘Dry Start’. This is a good grounding for any wannabe rower as the athlete doesn’t see the water for months and
can just concentrate on the technique and specific strength/fitness training for rowing. This winter we have had some 25/30 try the sport and we now have a core group of around 10 who are keen to contime. We had our 2nd outdoor session “Wet start at the Rowing Club last week, now on Easter break, and will start again on the 21st April. I would hope that by the end of the next term we have handful of the group that may want to race. We will be awarding those who have attended most and covered/passed the criteria for the ‘Go Row Scheme’ which we follow, certificates which will be issued at assembly in the near future. We are going to be holding a Water Safety test (Capsize drill) again shortly, as we have a number who need to pass this to be able to be progress, and will be opening it up again to Club members, so anyone interested should contact the captain.

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