Sudbury rowers excel at the British Rowing Masters Championships
A small team of four masters rowers from Sudbury Rowing Club competed at the British Rowing Masters National Championships at the National Watersports Centre in Nottingham on Sunday 11 June in glorious, but very hot conditions. This is a national competition which attracted more than 800 entries from over 120 rowing clubs across the UK and Ireland. It is the main opportunity for club rowers to compete against each other on a national basis.
Sudbury’s team of four: Teresa and Sean Moriarty, Tracy Muir and Jeremy Milbank, had some great results, securing second-place finishes in Open Masters DEF.2X and Women’s Masters DEF.2X, as well as a third-place finish in Mixed Masters DEF.2X. They also set some personal best times for the 1,000m race distance.